
[programme of work]
paff proposes a progress from place to place across the UK over the next 5 years, working in two places each year. 

the programme will visit places already feeling the social and ecological effects of the emergency, and which begin with a B (Barmouth, Belfast, Boston…) because together we need to make a plan B.

in each place paff will especially work with those people who will be the hardest hit by climate collapse: the young, the poor, minority ethnic groups (including climate migrants).

paff will bring appropriate headline artists to each place, and partner with grassroots organisations that themselves have emerged from the place. they will extend the invitation across their communities, and together a work programme for paff’s visit will be designed.

in each place we intend a weekend of events, along the following lines:

day 1: a performance evening

paff, paff portfolio artists, the partner organisations and local artists: bringing their work to anticipate the end of the emergency, and set the context for the work beyond. 

day 2: an open day

performances by local artists in public places, plus workshops for people to participate in – inspired by the events the day before. a panel of local experts will provide the science exploring the impacts on the place of a three degree rise.

day 3: a backstage day

participating paff artists and local artists plan new work and practise techniques to build out the aesthetic and change the culture in the place. ideas are explored around how to continue the work in the place. and at the end of the day, we eat and dance together.

the local partner organisations will ensure the work continues after the visit. three months on, paff and the lead artists will make a follow-up visit: the new work made will be performed and discussed, and some will be selected to go forward to the next place in paff’s progress.

in total, paff will be at work in each place for up to nine months: long enough to begin to change the cultural ecology in the place.